Thursday, July 24, 2014

BLESS Sunscreen Lotion SPF 19, Indonesian Product Review

*PR Sample

Hi! :)
Karena yang di review produk Indo, kali ini posting pakai bahasa Indo aja yaa hehe..

Yang tinggal di Indonesia, biasanya pakai Sunscreen apa sih yang gampang dibeli di supermarket?

FYI, biasanya aku pakai sunscreen yang SPF nya tinggi, biarpun katanya proteksinya mirip2 aja. Tapi menurut pembelaanku, SPF tinggi lebih aman karena biarpun takarannya kurang (biasanya 1 1/4 sendok teh untuk wajah dan leher) SPF nya ku harap masih cukup tinggi paling ngga buat 3-4 jam. Kalau SPF nya rendah dan pakainya kurang kan sayang ya.. Tapi Sunscreen ber-SPF tinggi itu biasanya lebih thick dan susah dibersihkan. Akhirnya mulai deh lirik2 Sunscreen ber-SPF dibawah 30 buat dipakai di rumah. Lagian lebih gampang bersihinnya kan hehehe..

Bless Sunscreen Cream SPF 19 ini kebetulan ikut diselipin di paket press sample dari BLESS. Seneng deh bisa nyoba dulu sebelum memutuskan mau beli full size atau ga..

Ini deskripsi produknya (dikutip dari website BLESS)
Bless Sunscreen Lotion SPF 19 melindungi kulit terhadap efek buruk sinar matahari seperti kulit menjadi merah karena terbakar sinar matahari, hiperpigmentasi, penuaan dini dan kanker kulit. Diperkaya dengan Vitamin C dan E sebagai paduan antioksidan yang dapat melindungi kulit dari proses oksidasi akibat radikal bebas. Gunakan secara rutin untuk membantu merawat elastisitas kulit, sehingga kulit tampak lebih kencang, lembut dan tidak kering.
Oleskan pada wajah, leher, tangan dan kaki secara tipis dan merata, gunakan 15-30 menit sebelum melakukan aktivitas di bawah sinar matahari. Dapat digunakan sebagi dasar make-up setiap hari. Ulangi pemakaian setiap 2 jam atau bila diperlukan khususnya setelah berenang, berkeringat, mengeringkan wajah dengan handuk atau jika akan terpapar sinar matahari dalam waktu yang lebih lama. Usahakan untuk tidak berada di bawah sinar matahari terlalu lama, meskipun sudah menggunakan tabir surya.
Simpan di tempat yang kering dan terlindung dari sinar matahari langsung (suhu 15-30ÂșC).

 dan ini produknya :

note : 10ml sample size
BLESS Sunscreen Lotion SPF 19
Harga : IDR 49,000 per 500ml atau IDR 79,000 per 100ml
(juga tersedia dalam bentuk cream)
available di Century, Guardian, dan outlet-outlet lainnya. Bisa cek juga dari Website Bless untuk lokasi terdekat di kota mu :)
FYI, biasanya Century, Guardian dan web Bless sendiri sering memberikan diskon untuk produk-produknya. Lumayan kan?

terlalu excited ngerobek dari brosurnya, akhirnya keterangannya pun compang camping T____T

produk BLESS Suncreen Lotion SPF 19

BLESS Sunscreen Lotion SPF 19 setelah di blend
Akhirnya dapet juga informasi kandungan Bless sunscreen lotion ini, jadi update disini yah.

UV A Filter (fungsinya untuk melindungi kulit dari hiperpigmentasi dan penuaan dini)
Butyl methoxy dibenzoyl methane
adalah nama lain dari Avobenzone. Termasuk chemical filter, sangat photounstable, larut dalam minyak, tidak membuat kulit iritasi dan termasuk kandungan yang disetujui FDA. Meskipun sangat photo-unstable, atau dengan kata lain akan menurun seiring dengan tereksposnya kulit ke sinar matahari, namun karena terdapat pula 4-methylbenzylidene camphor maka sunscreen ini menjadi stabil ^_____^

UV B Filter (fungsinya untuk melindungi kulit dari luka bakar akibat sengatan sinar matahari)
ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, 4-methylbenzylidene camphor
ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate atau dengan kata lain Octinoxate, mempunyai sifat tidak larut dalam air, photo-unstable, menyerap ke dalam kulit dan merupakan kandungan yang disetujui FDA. Ini juga termasuk chemical filter.
4-methylbenzylidene camphor atau nama lainnya adalah Enzacamene, merupakan chemical filter yang mampu membuat Avobenzene menjadi photostable. Disetujui untuk digunakan di Eropa dan Kanada tapi belum disetujui oleh FDA.

Vitamin C sebagai anti oksidan, untuk melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas

Vitamin E sebagai pelembab dan anti oksidan.

Kombinasi vitamin C dan E dapat meningkatkan elastisitas kulit

Tekstur dan Formula
Tidak terlalu kental, mudah diratakan, konsistensi sedang.
Kadang terasa agak lengket di jari setelah aplikasi.
 Menurut saya, oil controlnya medium. Kadang sudah lewat berjam-jam masih aman aja, tapi kadang cepet banget jadi berminyak.
Walaupun kelihatannya lotion nya putih, tapi di wajah jadi transparan kok. Finishnya tidak glowy tapi juga bukan matte. Agak dewy lah.Bisa dilihat di pic kedua, kulit yang terkena lotion agak mengkilap. Menurut saya sih kebanyakan sunscreen juga begitu yah jadi ini ga masalah.
Juga karena SPF yg hanya 19, cenderung tidak white cast.
Produk ini juga tidak membuat saya beruntusan/jerawatan (note : saat trial produk kebetulan kondisi kulit saya masih sangat sensitif dan rentan berjerawat).

Agak floral tapi tidak menyengat dan hilang segera setelah pengaplikasian.

Soal apa SPF 19 ini efektif atau ngga, saya kurang yakin juga karena akhir-akhir ini matahari disini sering sembunyi. Walaupun bukannya jadi aman dari UV A - UV B juga sih karena sinar matahari menembus awan. Saya merasa biasa aja, ga makin gosong tapi ga makin cerah juga ya iyalah cuma 10ml ini. Mungkin bakal lanjut untuk dipakai di dalam ruangan. Males kan kalau di rumah doang pakai SPF 50? *LOL

Btw, share sedikit ya tips untuk aplikasi Sunscreen :
  1. Apply sunscreen 15-30 menit sebelum beraktifitas di luar ruangan sehingga sunscreen sudah meresap sempurna saat berhadapan dengan matahari.
  2. Jangan sekali-kali apply dibawah matahari! Sama aja melunturkan kadar SPF dan malah membuat kulitmu gosong! #pengalaman
  3. Pakai sunscreen sebanyak-banyaknya, bukan diirit seperti pakai foundation/bb cream. Apalagi sunscreen yang tidak berwarna. Ini untuk memastikan kadar SPF tercapai sesuai angka maksimalnya. Kadar yang dianjurkan adalah 1 1/4 sendok teh untuk aplikasi di wajah dan leher.
  4. Mendung/Berawan bukan berarti tidak perlu memakai sunscreen. Sinar matahari (UV A, UV B) menembus awan dan bahkan memantul di kaca loh.
  5. Selalu reapply tiap 2-4 jam sekali (tergantung angka SPF). Gampangnya, dilihat dari berapa lama kulitmu menjadi kemerahan dibawah sinar matahari. Kalau 5 menit, berarti 1 angka SPF untuk 5 menit. Misal produk SPF 19 maka perlu reapply setiap 5 menit x 19.. Jadi 95 menit. Dilihat juga sih kalau betul-betul dibawah sinar matahari yang terik lebih baik lebih rajin reapply.
  6. Sebisa mungkin jangan "tumpuk" sunscreen dengan produk liquid lain, ini akan menurunkan kadar SPF nya. 
  7. Setelah memakai Sunscreen seharian, jangan lupa dibersihkan dengan benar. Bisa double cleansing dengan cleansing oil, cleansing milk, miracle water, make up remover atau lainnya. Cleansing foam biasa aja kurang efektif membersihkan sisa sunscreen.
  8. Jangan jemur sunscreen dibawah matahari seperti pic saya diatas ya. Saya "menjemur" untuk kepentingan fotografi dan isinya pun sudah habis ^______^

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follow instagram saya di @taniaasvs
atau untuk membeli produk bisa di cek di @Primafacie_Corner

Monday, July 21, 2014

Mizon Multi Function Formula Snail Repair Eye Cream

*purchased by me*

Well, i am in mid 20s and i need an eye cream.
I know that basically, eye cream is face moisturizer and i will spend too much money for so little product. But.. i've tried using my face moisturizer around my eyes and they're sting because they're too thick/runny/gel based and it's took so long to absorb around my eyes..
Then i was ordered some korean skincare, when the nice seller offer me this baby. It is travel size so the price wouldn't choke my wallet alot.

Before i babbling so much, please read the information below to know more about my current eye cream :  Mizon Multi Function Formula Snail Repair Eye Cream (what a name eh?)

okay my current problem is i am having sensitive eye
Sound amazing right?
Now we're into the product :

 Mizon Multi Function Formula Snail Repair Eye Cream
15ml (mine is in travel/sample size) 
expired 12 month after opened

 As usual, i can't read the product information at all.
So let's just stick with the information i provided you above.

Mizon Multi Function Formula Snail Repair Eye Cream
light cream, not so thick and not runny
easy to absorb and spread
a little bit sticky right after application, but after several minutes, it's okay

no scent at all

I've using it every night, and several in the morning since mid-january and i still have about 1/4 tube. Since it cost me less than IDR. 80,000 i think it's good value.
It doesn't cause me breakout and does provided moisturizer i need around my eyes.
However since i have no dark circle and no wrinkle, i don't know how effective it is.

I do loves this baby, and it comes in tube which is very thoughful. No extra germs!
Will repurchase for sure.

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Do you know if there's another snail based eye cream which work on you?
or you simply use your snail based moisturizer around your eyes?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Review : Cow Brand Skinlife Facial Foam

*non sponsored review*

Am i late for review-ing this baby?
i know the hype was long time ago, but better late than never right? LOL *just my excuse*

I was kinda confused when i heard this brand for the first time, "A cow brand? COW? is it for real? why do they named it as cow brand?".. Okay, here's the answer : because their product made from cow milks. So they simply use it as brand name.

Seeing the condition in picture, i am sure you know that i've been use it for long time. Truthfully, i am nearly finish it. This is what i do now with skincare review. I try the product, then manage to finish or at least use more than half, then write my review (except for first impression review).

Cow Brand Skinlife Facial Foam
110g (available to in 130g)
about 45,000 in Guardian or about 59,000 in Papaya

Seriously, yes the price is very different. I highly suggest you to get it in Guardian (specially when it is on sale, usually 10-20% off). I got mine in Papaya and so disappointed.

the ingredient list (i know some part are teared)
I bought it when i was in search for SLS (both Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and Mineral oil free cleansing foam.
I was that sold, so i wasn't do google for the price tag.
Despite the goodness, it's contains of Myristic Acid which some say, is comedogenic.

However, i think i don't get more pimple/comedo/clogged pore whenever i am using it.

the product
 It is white and very thick.
Make sure you do foaming with your hand before applying to your face.
Believe me, you wouldn't like to foaming it on your face.

after mix with water
 Since it SLS free, it doesn't produce much foam.
In my opinion, it does clean so well and leave my face in not so dry but not hydrating condition after wash.

As i said before, it doesn't cause me breakout whatsoever, but i am not sure if it does help me with my current acne too.

Will i repurchase?
Yes, i planned to. For the sake of SLS and mineral oil free.. If not this one, maybe the other from the same range ::)

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Review : Citra Light Touch White Japanese Wakame Hand & Body Gel Lotion

*non sponsored review*

I'm such a sucker for body lotion.
Well, i know i rarely do review for them, simply because i think they're so easy to find in market (i usually use Vaseline or Nivea) and everyone could try it themselves haha.. Such a lazy me.

New Japanese Wakame from Citra took special place in my heart, so yes, i would rave for it in my beloved blog.

Citra is Indonesian brand, which stand under Unilever. They're mostly playing in body care product such as : body lotion, body serum, body scrub and liquid soap. I rarely use their product because i don't like the scent. Most of them smell like white pepper to me (although i ask everyone else, and no one smell it like i do) but not this Japanese Wakame! It's has subtle, fresh scent that wouldn't offensive in any mean.

Actually, Citra has 2 product in Japanese Wakame range : a Nutri Serum (tube packaging) and gel lotion (see pic below). I chose gel lotion product because it simply less fragranced, and contains of fewer paraben.

 Citra Light Touch White Japanese Wakame Hand & Body Gel Lotion
around idr. 13,500

ingredient list (click to zoom)
 Here perfume is listed as 8th ingredients, while in Nutri Serum, listed as 4th ingredient.
I always prefer to have less-scented body lotion for daily use, except i really love the scent.

Wakame is a kind of seaweed from Japanese sea, and it contains of a lot vitamins and minerals. It also could help makes skin brighter with a light and easy to absorb formula. 
This gel lotion texture also caught me off.

The product is in gel texture. Very easy to absorb, left no sticky feeling and does refreshing. After a week using this, i never feel difficult to clean the residue, even if i use 2-3 layers! Comfortable!
I usually have normal skin, but in windy days (which now happen in my town) it's being dryer. I have no big issue with drying skin while wearing Citra Japanese Wakame Gel lotion. It does the job so well all over my body, even in my cracked heels!!
Okay i know there's foot lotion for this problem, but i tested my gel lotion since it's dry faster on my cracked heels. Well it does feel stingy at first, but next, it's GOOOD..

I don't mind the fact that it doesn't makes my skin lighter nor brighter.. And i just use it for a week. Maybe later? Perhaps?

If there's a thing that i could complain, it's the sun protection.
I mean, if it does have some SPF or so, it would be super perfect for hot days (which happens like 8 months per year in my town)!

Hopefully, it would, in near future :)

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Light Plus

*purchased by ME, non sponsored review*

Hello again!
I was impressed by lots of reviews about how great MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural is, so i decided to try it myself. However, this review is for the older packaging. I am not sure whether they change their formula a bit in the new packaging or not.. The new one looks like this :
courtesy of Karen from
.. seems sturdier right? and it has a mirror!

While my own MSFN is here :

MAC  Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Light Plus
10g / 0.35 US OZ
i currently doesn't know how much does it cost in Indonesia, but i hear that the price has increased. I bought it for about idr. 400,000.
Yes the price is high, but it's for 10g product. I usually finish about 4g product in about 6 months so this one supposed to be last for at least 15 months.

Although the packaging seems fragile, but it's sturdy enough. I've dropped it once (along with whole of my make up bag) and it's doing great. However, i wouldn't let it happen again.

the ingredient list
Many girls said that MAC usually make their skin breakout. It doesn't happen to me with the blushes so i think this one will just fine. I haven't check the ingredient list before purchasing (i know, what an ignorance) but now i am! (link for product here)  refer some ingredients as acne triggers but i took Talc and Mica out of list since most powder nowadays has it. It's so hard to avoid them, and their score as acne trigger ingredients is just one. So we'll jump to the next :

Simmondsia Chinensis (jojoba) Seed Oil - aside from who refers it as both acne trigger and irritant ingredient, the other sources are said Jojoba seed oil is good for acne treatment since it's really like human's sebum and the use will mislead skin to produce less amount of sebum since they think they've got enough.

Isopropyl Palmitate - is comedogenic, so thick that could deprive skin from nutrients, even oxygen!
this one scores 4 as acne trigger and 1 as irritant
if you prone to breakout, better to avoid this.

I am using shade Light Plus.
I usually about NC 25-30, and the color match me quite well.
If i do applied to much, it's being too light for my skintone, but most of the time it's just good.

The shade in pan.
Since it's Mineralize and (i think it's) baked, powder is dome-shaped.

The closure part is clear means there's no mirror. Also it makes the whole packaging seems less sturdy. I was worried about it, but in my hand it feels strong and sturdy enough.

and there's my swatch :

top : softly blended, below : heavy swatch
MSFN texture is powdery, so be careful not to swipe your brush on. I prefer to tap gently all around the powder area. Swiping makes it spread out, makes it so messy in compact.
The coverage is medium-high, since it also can be use as powder foundation, setting powder and many else.

Actually, i haven't play so much with this baby since it's gives me breakout every single time i use it.. But i've tried it at least 10 times before realizing what happened, which with my bad skin condition, i think everything could come and destroy it.

MSFN's ingredients might be not suit me so well, but i like the result.
Maybe later?
Oh i wish my skin would getting better soon..

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Restaurant Review : Little Hongkong in Bali

*non sponsored review*

So after long long post about skin and body care product, i feel like i wanna do another kind of review. I always want to do a Restaurant/Food review, but too lazy to take picture (and sadly i am not good doing food photography -___-"). But today, i got some confidence and write it here :) *hopefully you doesn't read it during fasting*

Little Hongkong is a little restaurant in Jalan Raya Kuta, Bali. It's between Garoupa and Warung Nusantara. I think it's kinda joke, since Garoupa is the most expensive one (but taste so good) and Warung Nusantara is the cheapest one. By location and price, Little Hongkong is between them two. If you're going to Raya Kuta from Imam Bonjol street, then go straight, about 250 meters after traffic light, on the left side, you'll find three of them, and on the right side there's The Banjar Hotel (foursquare link).

Well, i forgot to take the picture of the outer place, nor i can find it on google images.
 But i took some picture from their facebook page to give you better idea how the inside restaurant looks like :

it's how it looks like, right after the door opened

in the far side of picture above, theres some painting hanging

Although they've tried to tell us that it is Little Hongkong, truthfully i don't think the place is that small. The corridor in first picture is barely small for two people walking together, especially when the chairs are taken out. I jokingly said it's a "mini mini mini" hongkong.

Back in 2010, when i was in Hongkong and was taken to several Restaurant, they have lots of space and even it's crowded, they're still a nice and pleasant place. I even think i love crowded restaurant. Think of Kopi Tiam (any restaurant that serve coffee, breakfast, anything in between. Not just Kopi Tiam brand) in Malacca in rush hour, how nicely crowded they was. I mean, how pleasant it is, seeing some people reading newspaper, some eating breakfast religiously, some others chit chatting.. I even want to have my own kopi tiam just to enjoy the crowd, everyday!

Well, i re-thinking seeing how it was in Little Hongkong.
It's not as tiny as you might think after reading my babbling, but yes it is small and not space-y. As long as i observed, about 90% of the table have one dead-lock side that makes you hard to move. Make it worse if it is in dinner time (when i was there) because most of the chair are taken. I am not a walking type of person while eating, but sometimes, we need to right? And it's good to be free..

Despite the position, i love their friendly staff (which you have to paid with 10% service) and they have a good WIFI connection.

.. Now let's talk about the food :

 The recommended menu (taken from internet reviews) are Mie Polos (plain noodle) and BBQ Charsiu and Samcam.

I was ordered those, but forgot to take picture of the Plain Noddle.. My bad.
In my defense, it was just a plain noodle. Noodle, broth, few leaf as accesories, nothing else. Truthfully, i don't get it's specialness. To me it was just a plain noodle.
Okay compared to many plain noodle out there it was good, but i can find some better too.

Since i need to wait kinda long for the other dishes after Plain Noodle, i took several photos of the dishes companion in my table :

 There's two advertisement, a jar of sambal (chilli sauce), another jar of sweet chili sauce (the darker one, see the pict below), tissue, and the red one is for pickles.

seems to be delicious right?
 I don't like chili sauce so no review for this lady, but it does seems delicious and everyone tends to like it.

Mie Laksa Little Hongkong (Laksa Noodle Little Hongkong), IDR 49,000
This one is my very own dishes.
Laksa noodle companied with prawn, shells (there's two of them), fish cake, mushroom, sprouts and tiny fish chip.
It's lack of something i couldn't explain, like a girl who always refuse to express her thought and therefore lack of anything.
The taste is good but doesn't blown up my mind.

Maybe i just going wrong, ordering Laksa Noodle in Chinese restaurant, because the one in Penang restaurant taste really good ~~

Combinated BBQ of Charsiu, Samcam and Duck, about IDR 148,000
I dont eat duck, and i dont like samcam in general so i will only review the Charsiu (aka red pork meat).
It taste good, the second good compared to any other dishes i ordered.
It is sweet, soft and have good amount of burnt (i like burnt charsiu!!).

My Dad said that all of them are delicious. The Duck is even more delicious while it's hot.

Pork Black Pepper, forgot the price
Too much of Beef black pepper? Try pork one!
Woo-hoo.. this one is the most tasty. I like their spices, good amount of black pepper, sweet and spicy~ delicious!

Baby stringbean in garlic sauce, forgot the price but it think it's around IDR 38,000
 Before you think i am an carnivora, there's also another menu : baby stringbean!
It's also delicious, but a kind of soft one. Eh.. Dont expect strong spices since it's a chinese restaurant, not indonesian. I heard that they "imported" the chef from hongkong. So they definately has real-original hongkong taste.

I want to try their Paradice (ice cream sandwich) too but too full already :(

So here's the recap :
+ good wifi
+ good service
+ clean food, well served
- high price tag
- crowded
- not spacious
- if you like tasty food, it's not recommended

I might wont be back again, although i was curious about the ice cream.. Well, maybe not in short time.
Have you been in Little Hongkong, Bali?
Do you like it?

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Monday, July 7, 2014

First Impression : Bless Sensitive Skin Series (Facial Cleanser & Facial Moisturizer)

Fweeew.. Such a long title, huh?

Bless Cosmetics Indonesia ( has sent me some sample to review. Since these two is in sachet sample, please keep in mind that my fellow review is only for first impression.

Actually, Bless Cosmetics is Indonesian brand, started around 1970s by Dr. Utama Widjaja Sp.KK.Today, they've been colaborated with PT Kosmedikatama Setia Indonesia and been distributed by PT Utama Bakti Farmasi. According to their website, has a light formulation, safe, tested and proven as effective product.
As long as i know, Bless Cosmetics is available at Century, Guardian, Watson and some other outlet (can be check here)

top : facial cleanser, bottom : face moisturizer

 Well, Sensitive Skin Series, as it was named, supposed to be safe for sensitive skin. I don't get the full ingredient list though, so it's hardly to check.

They said it came with Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) and fragrance free.
If you wonder what NMF is, here's the explanation i took from :
Natural moisturizing factor (NMF) is a collection of water-soluble compounds that are only found in the stratum corneum. These compounds compose approximately 20-30% of the dry weight of the corneocyte. NMF components absorb water from the atmosphere and combine it with their own water content allowing the outermost layers of the stratum corneum to stay hydrated despite exposure to the elements. Because NMF components are water soluble, they are easily leached from the cells with water contact - which is why repeated contact with water actually makes the skin drier. 

Bless Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin is soap free, specially formulated for sensitive skin. Cleansing, refreshing and moisturizing facial skin and help to freshen face. Contains of Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) to help preventing skin natural lose which caused by non soap-free skin cleanser.

Bless Facial Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin is a fragrance-free facial moisturizer, specially
formulated for sensitive skin. Bless Facial Moisturizerfor sensitive skin help to smoothen, moisturize and soothen dry skin. Easy to absorb formula that leave no stickiness. Contains of Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) to help prevent skin from loosing moisture. For better result, use at morning and night.

Bless Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin

I was suprised.. It's in gel form, characteristically produce low foam and therefore, less drying.
It supposed to work best for dry skin type. I have oily skin and find it not greasy but not very moisturizing either.
Well, it just cleansing product, and i don't expect so much in moisturizing aspect inside.

Bless Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin : the low, almost no foam at all
Product inside the sachet only enough for 3 time of use for me, that's why i said it just the first impression : 
My face feels okay, it feels clean enough and i experience no breakout or allergic reaction. And obviously, i detect no fragrance at all.
If i repurchased, it would be my morning cleanser or an after-home-peeling cleanser ^___^

Bless Facial Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin : heavy swatch

Bless Facial Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin : blended

Bless Facial Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin is a light, creamy white moisturizer which purposed to sensitive and dry skin because of NMF formula. As i said above, i have oily skin but it doesn't makes my face feels greasy or crazily oily even if i use it under sunscreen.
The result is slightly matte finish, and also slightly blurring pores.
I also experience no breakout, allergic reaction or itchy feeling from it.

Truthfully, i was looking for some light formula moisturizer. So glad they sent me this sample.. Hopefully i could do some DIY and mix it with tea tree oil.

I love both of them, just would love more if i could get the full ingredient list before repurchasing.

Have you tried it? Or do you think you'd like to?

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*PR Sample

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